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This game is super fun! I like how you interpreted the theme into planet sizes and the gravity they each have. It would be helpful to have the mouse-cursor line curve with the gravity to make it more useful, but it's also pretty useful as is


Really fun! I love levels 5 and 7 especially. I'm very impressed with the level and game design. It is slightly frustrating to just barely miss a jump or throw, but I think that makes it all the more satisfying when it works.


this game is really fun to play. The puzzle are intuitive and doesn't take time to get into at all.


Very clevel puzzle game!
Nice art style and playing nicely.
Puzzles with nice progression and interesting mechanics to play with!
Also, I like what you can messing around with gravity, it's so fun!

As for feedback: my main concern is too many keyboard keys for simple elements which could be simplified I think. Like to allow to play it only using keyboard but throwing only forward or more use mouse cursor to allow mine when click on the planet you're in, pickup on click ores you've mined and throw when you click with ore equipped and click on robot to drop ore you're equipped. So in that sense FEQ keys will not be used for mouse-heavy playthrough. As you can see I had a little bit hard time to remember which key do which action at first.

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it

Yea having context sensitive controls would make a lot of sense, especially considering you can’t do certain actions at the same time. Appreciate the feedback - will remember for next time :)